Fluree vs. MongoDB

July 06, 2021

Fluree vs. MongoDB

Databases play a significant role in storing and processing data, and to make data-driven decisions, data visualization is important. Different databases offer different features for data visualization, so selecting the right database is crucial. In this post, we'll compare Fluree and MongoDB databases in terms of data visualization.


Fluree is a modern database management platform that enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) that protect data and promote interoperability. It is designed to tackle the challenges of a modern data landscape.

When it comes to data visualization, Fluree has integrated with various tools such as D3.js, which is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic and interactive data visualizations in web browsers. Fluree also provides an in-built GraphQL API, which helps users create customized visualizations based on their unique requirements.

Another significant advantage of Fluree is that it ensures data consistency through its ACID compliance, which stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.


MongoDB is one of the most popular document-oriented databases that scales horizontally and provides high availability. It is a NoSQL database and is considered more flexible than traditional table-oriented (SQL) databases.

MongoDB enables data visualization through its in-built BI Connector, which allows importing data from MongoDB into various BI tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik. MongoDB also offers an in-built aggregation pipeline that enables users to perform complex queries.

Another significant advantage of MongoDB is that it allows clustering and sharding, which ensure high availability.


Let's make this comparison simple and clear by making a table of the features that are relevant for data visualization:

Features Fluree MongoDB
Integration with data visualization libraries Yes No
Customized data visualization Yes No
ACID compliance for data consistency Yes No
Clustering and sharding for high availability No Yes

From the table above, we can see that both databases have their unique features. Fluree has more features for data visualization and data consistency, while MongoDB offers more features for high availability.

To make the right choice for your database, it is important to consider your requirements and evaluate the features of each database.


Both Fluree and MongoDB are powerful databases with their unique features. The right choice for your database depends on your specific requirements. If you need more features for data visualization and data consistency, Fluree may be the right choice for you. If high availability is more important, then MongoDB would be a better fit.


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